Assuming you do not have sensitivities to adhesives, I will have wrapped you in a waterproof and breathable transparent film dressing (e.g. Ultraderm, SecondSkin, Saniderm, etc.) to heal your tattoo. If you have indicated that you have sensitivities to this or prefer to not use an adhesive bandage then I will have wrapped you in either plastic wrap or a soaker pad – after 4-6 hours wash your hands and remove the bandage, then skip to step 4 for further instructions.

Regarding specific product recommendations, I personally use Dr. Bronner’s unscented liquid soap and Glaxal Base moisturizing lotion (*not* cream) to wash and moisturize my own tattoos, but advise you to use what works best for your skin if you already have something you’re happy with! The most important thing is to use something mild and minimal in potential irritants (e.g. fragrance oils, exfoliants, etc.) — the goal is to keep your tattoo as clean and unbothered as possible while it heals.

  1. Wear your bandage for a minimum of 24 hours and up to 7 days (most people aim for 3-5 days, but it is ultimately personal preference). It is normal for your tattoo to be sensitive for the first few days and for some fluid to pool in the bandage, especially if your tattoo has a lot of linework or solid areas of fill. If you experience a rash or unusual skin irritation (hot, itchy, excessive swelling, etc.) surrounding the tattoo under your bandage, you may be having an allergic reaction and should remove the bandage immediately.

  2. It is fine to shower with your bandage on, but do not keep it submerged in water for extended periods of time. Avoid heavy exercise or activities involving excessive amounts of movement and sweating, as it may cause the bandage to lift. Be especially conscious about your movements if the bandage is placed in an area with mobile skin (e.g. sides of the chest, inner thighs, inner arms, etc.) — it is possible for the bandage to cause blisters from repetitive pulling on the skin. If you feel like this is happening or the bandage is otherwise uncomfortable to wear, you should avoid making movements that cause the bandage to pull and remove the bandage at your soonest convenience.

  3. To remove your bandage, wash your hands and begin lifting it at the corner, gently peeling it back over itself. It sometimes helps to do this in a hot shower; the heat and water can loosen up the adhesive. Occasionally, the bandage will leave some adhesive behind on the skin — do not pick at it or try to remove it with alcohol/excessive scrubbing if this happens! In my experience, it has never affected the healing of the tattoo and will come off naturally over the course of a day or two. If it is really bothering you, you can attempt to remove some of it by rubbing something gentle and oil-based (such as coconut oil or mineral oil) gently over it with your finger pads. Again, do not over-abrade your new tattoo in order to remove the residual adhesive.

  4. After removing your bandage, wash your tattoo using hot (but not scalding) water and a mild unscented liquid soap. It’s normal for the tattoo to feel very sensitive at this point, especially while it is under the water. Massage away the plasma/build up from your tattoo as thoroughly as you can using the pads of your fingertips – rinse and repeat until your skin no longer feels slimy to touch and has a matte appearance when dry. Gently pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel.

  5. Keep your tattoo clean while it is healing. Depending on the design and when you remove your bandage, your tattoo may continue to weep plasma for a couple of days. If this happens, or if your tattoo gets dirty for any other reason, repeat step 4.

  6. Avoid exercising or other activities that may cause you to sweat for at least 24-48 hours after getting your tattoo. If your tattoo is covered by clothing, it is generally recommended to wear natural fibres when possible to allow for better air flow.

  7. It is normal for your tattoo to peel and feel dry/itchy while it is healing. If the tightness or itching becomes uncomfortable, apply a very small amount of a mild unscented lotion to the area up to ~3-4 times a day. I recommend that you do not use any heavy creams, petroleum jelly, or other occlusive products intended to trap moisture in your skin. Do not use Bactine, Polysporin, or other products advertised to treat cuts, burns, and abrasions. Do not put sunscreen on your tattoo while it is healing — if you need UV protection before the initial 2 week healing period has elapsed, I recommend wearing UV-protective clothing over your tattoo.

  8. During the two weeks following your appointment, do not soak your new tattoo in water or expose it to the sun. Avoid activities that will cause abrasion in the area of your tattoo. Do not swim or hang out in pools, hot tubs, the ocean, or any other communal bodies of water. Do not scratch or pick at any peeling or scabbing that may form. Your tattoo is a healing wound — treat it as such!

  9. Your tattoo should be healed over after ~2 weeks. It is normal for your tattoo to still be slightly raised, shiny, and/or dry in appearance at this point; it will continue to settle in over the next few months and become closer to your regular skin texture over time, but you are free to resume activities like swimming, soaking in water, etc. Wear sunscreen and limit your exposure to sunlight in order to keep your tattoo looking saturated and crisp for longer. UV protection is especially important if your tattoo has colour in it!

  10. The cost of your tattoo includes a free touch up within one year of getting your tattoo, provided that it is not needed as a result of extreme negligence on your end; I am sometimes (but not always) able to make exceptions to the timeframe if you are travelling from out of the province/country or have gotten a tattoo from me during a guest spot in another city. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you think there are a few things that need revisiting after it’s settled in, ideally around 1-3 months! Feel free to email me directly at with your availability to schedule a touch up — you do not need to go through my regular submission process. Please note that this offer is only available if you are able to come to Baohaus Collective for the touch up — I cannot guarantee free touch ups if I am working as a guest in another shop.

Thank you & happy healing!