Thank you for your interest in booking a tattoo with me! Please review my policies before submitting your booking request. Once you have done so, please fill out the booking form for your city linked below to the best of your ability.


My books are currently closed as I am preparing to have and will be recovering from back surgery! Assuming there are no complications, I hope to be able to start working again in May/June 2024. I will be prioritizing folks that I am already in contact with and/or needing to reschedule, and will be looking to ease back into things with smaller designs and placements that are less strenuous on my lower back. Official booking updates and openings will be shared on my Instagram when they become available!

I truly appreciate all of the patience all of my clients (every single one of you!) have had over the past 8 months with the unpredictable nature of my injury and chronic pain. I am so grateful (and relieved tbh) that my practice connects with such kind, thoughtful, and empathetic people - I hope this energy feels reciprocated.

It would also be remiss to not acknowledge that we are and have been living in an increasingly unstable and painful landscape; I thank everyone for extending what capacity they could towards helping me during a difficult time. May we all continue to put what energy we have left to give into practicing class solidarity, protecting and uplifting vulnerable and marginalized members of our communities, and fighting for the liberation of indigenous peoples - both globally and locally - who are being exploited, colonized, and ethnically cleansed by an unrelentingly selfish and power-obsessed minority in the name of land and resource extraction. I have included a very limited list of resources and people/groups with calls to action below, and hope that we can all continue to stretch our curiosity, empathy, and generosity where we can to those who need support.

Our liberation is all inextricably intertwined; when others are oppressed, none of us are free.

Call & Email Your Gov’t Reps and Demand More Than Just a Ceasefire - contact information, scripts, and more

eSims for Gaza

Support the Land Defenders at the Gidimt’en Yintah Access Point

Donate to the Vancouver Black Therapy & Advocacy Foundation

Invest in Black Joy and Healing During BHM: Help Zion Give Free Tattoos to Black Community Members Year 2

QMUNITY: BC’s Queer, Trans, and Two-Spirit Resource Centre

SWAN Vancouver: Promoting the rights, health, and safety of im/migrant women engaged in indoor sex work through front-line service and systemic advocacy.

Thank you for your interest in my work, and I look forward to hopefully tat zapping you soon using my newly upgraded spine :)


I am currently unable to travel and do not currently have any upcoming guest spots planned.

I typically respond to booking submissions within 2 weeks - if you do not hear back within that timeframe, please feel free to reach out to me directly at